Interview with Mark Hsieh, Successful Entrepreneur

(English Article Follows)

文/張家嫻  攝影/酒文集


駿瀚生化股份有限公司 董事長

台東興業股份有限公司 副董事長

食品工業發展研究所 董事長

全國工業總會 理事

臺灣罐頭食品工業同業公會 榮譽理事長

CoCo台灣壹番屋 董事

印尼Great Giant Food Commissioner

味全公司 董事

台光電子材料 董事


訪談前心中充滿著疑問,一個人有辦法做這麼工作嗎? 難道他的時間跟我們不一樣,他一天的時間是48小時? 還是有瞬間移動的超能力,只要手指一彈馬上就到下一個場景? 終於來到了訪問當天,見到了謝孟璋先生後,讓所有的疑問有了答案。

會議室的門輕輕地被打開,傳來了一句親切的「您好 」,站在面前的就是謝孟璋先生本人




謝孟璋畢業於美國哥倫比亞大學國際事務研究所碩士,身為長子的謝孟璋從小在父母的安排下,從小隻身美國求學,從小學開始到中學、高中都在美國東北部紐英倫念書,之後到了紐約哥倫比亞大學取得碩士學位。在唸碩士的最後一年,暑假期間進入了所羅門兄弟公司實習,在實習的最後一天,老闆會把實習生叫進辦公室並關起門來,告知實習表現結果,並是否有機會轉正職。當下每位實習生都想轉正職,這樣畢業後馬上有工作。「Would you like me to make you an offer for the Asia Pacific?」這是進辦公室時,老闆對他說的第一句話,謝孟璋回憶著說,這份工作也是他人生中最刺激的時期,於是畢業後就在華爾街工作約3~4年的時間,因此也累積了許多的財務經歷。

 ※所羅門兄弟(Salomon Brothers),華爾街的著名投資銀行,1910年成立,1990年代末被旅行者集團併購(現屬花旗集團)。







「駿瀚生化股份有限公司是我的心血」,謝孟璋緩緩的道出這段艱辛的過程,駿瀚生化是父親事業其中一個轉投資的項目,主要生產抗生素,一直以來經營的還算不錯,但由於瀚駿生化僅有單一產品,而中國大陸掌握了製造抗生素最大的原料盤尼西林 (青黴素》,逐漸成為世界最大的抗生素生產地,以及原物料進口關稅成本,敵不過這樣的市場競爭,當時台灣許多生產抗生素的公司也陸續關閉,在我回台灣後三年後大約2000年,駿瀚生化也面臨了這樣的倒閉危機,由於老一輩的觀念認為公司不能輕易關掉,當時才33歲的自己,自告奮勇的說我來接!




我最喜歡一本書是 拿破崙的鈕釦(Napoleon’s Buttons),這本書非常精采的描述如何化學與材料學改變了歷史謝孟璋說著並向我們介紹了這本書而書名則是引用書裡其中一個故事將拿破崙會在俄羅斯大潰敗的原因之一歸罪於軍服的釦子! 由於以前的釦子是錫製的,錫在低溫時會崩解成粉末狀,軍衣扣子扣不起來使的士兵在酷寒中生病喪命,導致西元一八一二年拿破崙對俄軍戰役的大潰敗,若當初這些軍衣上的錫製鈕釦能不在低溫時裂解,是否法軍能繼續東征,並將歐洲的演進歷史推往一個完全不同的方向?從一個小小的釦子就有許多科學&化學的知識,甚至影響到整個戰爭的局面,此時謝孟璋繼續和我們分享其他的關於科學&化學相關的小故事,像男孩般開心的和朋友分享著自己喜歡的遊戲。




A Versatile Leader of the Food Industry

Synmax Biochemical Co., Ltd Chairman

Taitung Enterprise Co., Ltd. Vice-Chairman

Food Industry Research and Development Institute. – Chairman

Chinese National Federation Of Industries. – Director

Taiwan Canners Association. – Honorary Director


Great Giant Food. – Commissioner

Wei Chuan Foods Corp. – Board Member

Elite Material Co.,Ltd.- Board Member

Upon seeing the list of titles above, one would think that there are a number of people being described.  However, these various leadership positions are held by only one person – Mr. Mark Hsieh.  Prior to our interview with Mr. Hsieh, it was nature to question, “How does Mr. Hsieh hold so many positions at one time?  Does he have 48 hours in each of his days?  Does he have “super powers”, where he can morph quickly from one project to the next?”  On the day of the interview, we received answers to all of our questions.

As the door to the meeting room opens, we receive a friendly greeting from Mark, “Hello, how are you?”  We immediately start into our interview.  He begins to tell us about his life and businesses.

Mark is the oldest child in his family.  From the time he was a boy, his parents arranged for Mark to be educated in the USA.  From grade school through high school, he was educated in New England.  Mark is a graduate of Columbia University in New York City, and received a Masters degree in International Affairs.  During the summer of his last year in graduate school, he went to work for Salomon Brothers as an intern. On the final day of his internship, all of the interns were to meet with the supervisor, with hopes that they would have an opportunity to become full-time employees, upon graduation.  Since Mark was an outstanding intern, his supervisor, asked directly, “Would you like me to make you an offer for the Asia Pacific?

Mark recalls that this was the most exciting work of his life, since he had just graduated and was working in a permanent position on Wall Street.  In 4 years at Salomon Brothers, Mark gained extensive experience in the field of corporate finance.  (Salomon Brothers was established in 1910 on Wall Street and was quite famous.  In 1990, Salomon Brothers merged with Travelers Corp., and then was acquired by Citibank in 1998.)


Why did you come back to Taiwan to develop in the Food Industry, instead of remaining in the USA in the financial industry?

Mark returned to Taiwan in 1997.  The reasons for his decision were twofold; first, his family was involved in many food-related companies in Taiwan and second, his father had a stroke, the family needed Mark to come home to take over the corporation.

Mark’s grandfather was one of the founders of Taiwan Pineapple in the 1950’s, and was successful in exporting canned pineapple to overseas markets.  His grandfather also started the Taiwan Food Industry Research Center, in an effort to improve Taiwan’s food quality.  It is also a formal training center for those involved with food research in Taiwan.   Mark’s father was also heavily involved with the food industry, but also expanded into other areas such as electronics, biotechnology, and chemicals.

In early 1990’s, when China began to open to the “outside”, Mark remarks that there were not many professionals in the securities industry who had adequate English-Chinese language capabilities, so Mark was assigned by his company to work in Hong Kong.  However, in 1995, China experienced an economic downturn, and financial transactions dwindled.  While Salomon Brothers continued to pay a lucrative salary, Mark resigned as he had stopped learning . Mark then resigned and went to Japan to attend Keio University to learn Japanese, one of his many interests.

One of the joint ventures between Mark’s family company was with UCC Coffee of Japan. Since Mark had language skills in English, Chinese, and Japanese, the Head of UCC suggested to Mark’s father that that Mark work directly in his Japan office.  Mark worked at UCC for 1 year.  However, after a year at UCC, Mark’s father became ill, so Mark came back to Taiwan to take care of his father and assume the management of the family’s many businesses.

Considering that Mark is generally a very well-organized person, to accept control of his family’s businesses under these conditions was quite a challenge.  However, this was Mark’s duty, and he accepted his responsibilities as a dutiful son, and overseas educated businessman.


“I enjoy science, and challenges.  I get a sense of accomplishment when I can overcome adversity.”

Mark, states, “What I achieved with Synmax Chemicals has given me the greatest satisfaction in my professional life.  Synmax was established by his father, along with other institutional investors and its primary business was the production of B-lactam antibiotics.  However, Mainland China became the leading producer of antibiotics, since there was an abundance of basic materials for their production there.  Coupled with the export subsidies placed on these materials being exported globally , in 2000 most of the chemical companies producing antibiotics went out-of-business.  However, investors were reluctant to close the company , so at 33, Mark accepted the challenge of taking over this faltering company, which could easily have been closed.

Since Mark has an interest in science and medical chemical products, Mark’s first action was to cease the production of antibiotics and then initiate the development of new products.  One of his new products was a Key intermediate for hypertension . Also, stepping “out of the box”, Mark developed a relationship with a large Japanese LCD chemical manufacturer, which required the use of chemicals in the production of LCD. Thereby, the LCD Chemical Division of Synmax was created.

To undertake a “Change Management” exercise, where complete departments and products are abandoned, and new products and departments are created, is not an easy task.  It wasn’t until the 4th year of this new operation that Synmax began to generate a profit and its new operation stabilized.  Mark recounts that if it wasn’t for the support and willingness of his employees to share the risk with Mark, this effort would surely have failed.

“Although this was a difficult goal to achieve, and not all “smooth sailing”, the end results justify our effort”.  Mark face is smiling, reflecting his accomplishment and gratitude towards his dedicated staff.


“I enjoy reading, especially books about science and particularly science history, because these books inspire creative thinking.”

Mark recalls, “One of my favorite books is called Napoleon’s Buttons, which weaves history with development of chemistry and material science. The title of the book entices readers with one of  several anecdotal explanations of how chemistry changed the course of history. In Napoleon’s case, the book attributes the poor quality of the soldier’s’ uniform buttons as one of the contributing factors to Napoleon’s failure to conquer Russia. Their buttons cracked in the frigid Russian winter, causing soldiers’ uniform to fall apart, exposing Napoleon’s army to the deadly Russian winter.  As a result, the French army could not properly wage war, and was defeated.  The author speculates that if the buttons had been made of a different material, which did not fail in cold weather, perhaps Napoleon would have won this war and expanded France’s geographical “Sphere of Influence”.  In this case, Europe’s history could possibly have been changed.  The importance of science in even the smallest detail cannot be overlooked.”’ Mark is like a little child, excited and happy to re-tell one of his favorite stories to anyone who is interested.



Mark relates, “I often remind my two sons and others around me about my personal Values and Principles in 8 Chinese characters, “Pu Shr, Zhi Wo, Leh Guan, Jing Chur”.  The meanings of each of these four ideas are:

“Pu Shr” – “Simplicity” – In Life and in undertaking tasks, try to keep things simple.,

“Zhi Wo” – “Individuality” – Do not follow the crowd but try to accomplish things that you are interested in and can be creative doing.

“Leh Guan” – “Be Positive” – Being positive allows goals to be achieved in a good frame of mind and affects those around you.

“Jing Chur” – “Diligence” – To achieve anything worthwhile, one must be diligent. Each step should be carefully considered, and action taken in proper sequence.

“While these eight characters are quite simple, to live by and take action in accord with these principles is not an easy to do. The purpose of a Company is not only to generate a profit, but to create a secure and harmonious environment for its staff, and to contribute to society.  In any business, there will be challenges.  However, challenges should not be considered to be a bad thing – rather as an opportunity to learn and grow.  Each challenge should be optimistically and carefully assessed, then a strategy developed to overcome the challenge with an action plan, with proper execution of that strategy.  Finally, to be pessimistic on any level, does not help to overcome a challenge, or benefit anyone.  These are the guiding principles of my Life, which are particularly applicable to young people, and people who may be facing particular difficulties.”


Interview with Dr. Jesse Chuang, Post Partum Expert

(English Article Follows)

文/張家嫻  攝影/酒文集  圖片/璽悅產後護理之家




「 其實我一直以來想做的是室內設計師不是醫生 !」 莊醫師直接切入話題。



璽悅產後護理之家 – 天母館








璽悅產後護理之家- 大直館






“Hey, look at me!” 我的機會也是我自己去創造出來的

我經常會跟年輕員工說,對於想追求的事情,不要害怕勇於嘗試。或許年輕人會說,因為你們那個年代機會比較多,所以比較容易成功。 但如果我沒有那些實戰醫師經驗、值班的夜晚,我就不會有月子中心創業想法。每一個年代有不同的機會,但要打開眼睛,看看身處環境趨勢,機會就在那兒了! 並堅持不輕言放棄,困難是正常的,創業就是這麼回事。

璽悅產後護理之家 – 士林館



訪談過程中莊醫師始終帶著陽光型男微笑,還有爽朗的笑聲,其實無論從小在國外求學階段,到卸下醫師光環創業,有很多旁人看不到的辛苦。或許有些人會羨慕從小可以在國外生活,但殊不知東方人的臉孔,經常引來當地人欺負與霸凌。” 被欺負是經常的事 ”,莊醫師輕鬆的說著。11歲時有一次要去朋友家練彈吉他,走在路上時突然有6個小孩往自己靠過來,那時還傻傻想反抗,結果被較高大的小孩往臉上踢了一腳,整個嚇傻了。到了朋友家後,拿出吉他琴譜時手一直在發抖著,可能被欺負經驗多了,最後發現一個方式就是,當發現可能會被打劫時,趕緊走到馬路中,讓車子大聲按喇叭,那些人就會被嚇跑。突然想到剛才莊醫師談到,創業要睜大眼睛,觀察周遭看到商機,或許因為從小在國外生活的經歷,讓莊醫師對於遭環境有高度觀察力及敏感度,找到解決方式或嗅到機會,並實際去嘗試以及堅持,或許是這位有著陽光笑容的莊醫師成功的原因吧。



From Physician to Entrepreneur

Dr. Jesse Chuang, the founder of Ma Cherie Post-Partum Center, is taking time from his hectic schedule to meet with us today for this interview, and relating to us about his Company, life and principles.  Previously, Jesse was an OBGYN doctor at the McKay and Shin Kong Hospitals in Taipei.  On a very hot, humid summer day, we hear first Jesse’s laughter, which seems to brighten our day and provide some needed energy.

Jesse begins, “I originally had great interest in interior design, so it’s quite different how my life evolved.  I feel that the development of my life can be described as “non-mainstream”.  Although I was born in Taiwan, my parents had business all over the world, so I accompanied them to many different countries.  My childhood was primarily spent in South America – I attended grade school in Paraguay and Brazil.  I am fluent in Spanish, but only speak a little Portuguese.  Then I traveled with my parents to Japan and the Philippines, where I received my medical doctor’s degree.  However, while I had an interest in interior design, most of my Taiwanese relatives were in medicine, and my parents felt that this was the most appropriate profession for me.”

Jesse continues, “I worked as a physician at Shin Kong Hospital for 12 years.  Then, because of my varied background and interests, and flexible approach to life, Shin Kong asked me to attend meetings on their behalf to understand how to operate a post-partum center.  It was the Hospital’s decision not to pursue this project further.  However, I saw the great potential that this opportunity presented, and I made the decision to develop in the field of business, rather than further my medical career.  I then resigned my position as a physician at the hospital and began my business career.  Coincidentally, a large, suitable space to develop my first post-partum center became available next to the Hospital.  Not thinking about it too much, I used my house as collateral to obtain a loan to invest in this property.


“When starting a business, don’t think too much, just get started!”

Jesse explains with a chuckle, “Twelve years ago, there weren’t many post-partum centers in Taiwan, so business was good.  When I first started, it only took 2 weeks to fill my 20-rooms post-partum center.  Because at the time I was only in my early 30s, I did not take into too much consideration the risks involved with changing careers, and then starting a relatively new business.”

“Most of our post-partum centers average between 20 to 30 rooms.  Since 2006, we have been expanding our operation by one center every 2 years; so now we have a total of 7 post-partum centers.  Shin Kong Hospital is also a key investor in our operation, which is a great advantage.  Presently, we are considering expanding overseas, and are even talking with some interested French investors.


“Does the decline of the birthrate in Taiwan negatively impact the post-partum business?”

Jesse replies, “While the reproductive rates in Taiwan have dropped to less than 1 child per couple, the post-partum business is still expanding.  Twelve years ago, out of 100 births, about 13% to 15% of the mothers would choose to use the services of a post-partum center.  However, now about 6 women in 10, or 60% of the new mothers chose to use the post-partum services.  In addition, with this business (as with other successful businesses) there is more competition, which drives the prices for these services down.  Therefore, at this time our business outlook is optimistic.”


 “There is a big difference between being a Professional Physician and a Corporate Head”

As a physician, your main responsibility is the health of the patient and using all methods and medicines available to allow your patient return to good health.  However, as the head of a corporation, you have many rules and regulations to abide by, personnel to lead and be responsible for, and many different responsibilities to cover.  As medicine has developed over the years, there are many diagnoses, test equipment, medicine and procedures to overcome illness and injury.  However, in corporate business, there are disparate responsibilities, including, finance, human resources, marketing, sales, plant, etc. which must be considered – – – and there are no “standard” or “correct” methodologies to address every situation in a corporate environment.


“In the last 12 years of the development of Ma Cherie, I am most grateful to my staff who has shared my challenges.”

Jesse relates to us two of his most memorable experiences,

“The purpose of a post-partum center is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for the newborn baby and mother to gain strength following childbirth, and to minimize any complications.  One of my deepest recollections was when one of our nurses noticed that one particular baby did not exhibit the proper coloration of a newborn baby.   Immediately, the doctors were advised and the baby was sent to a hospital, where it was discovered that it was suffering from BACH (an infant-related disease of the gall and liver).  Surgery was immediately conducted on the baby, and fortunately, the baby returned to normal.  The thankful, happy face of the mother when she saw her baby again is an indelible memory in my mind.


In another incident, there was a newborn mother who was bleeding profusely.  She was immediately sent to the hospital, where they discovered that the placenta was only partially removed, which caused the bleeding.  This condition was corrected, and the mother was able to return to our Center to properly recuperate.

The happy outcome of both of these incidents was due primarily to the attention of my diligent and caring staff, who really have the health and safety of the newborn babies and mothers in heart.”

Jesse also related that his dreams of being an interior designer have been somewhat fulfilled by his participation in the interior designs of his 7 post-partum centers.


“Hey, look at me – I took advantage of the opportunities presented to me”

Jesse states, “I often tell my younger staff that if you want to accomplish something, don’t be afraid of a challenge or difficulties, as this is normal for any new idea or business.  You just have to make the good effort.  However, sometimes young people remark that there were more opportunities in the era that I grew-up.  My response to that is that every era has great opportunities, if you just open your eyes and mind to the possibilities.  Never give up!

In my case, if I didn’t have 12 years of experience working as a doctor in a hospital, or working long hours in the Emergency Room, I may not have gotten the idea to start my own business.”



Throughout the interview, Jesse is smiling, cheerful, and upbeat.  However, Jesse’s happy personality masks the challenges and difficulties that he had to overcome in order to be successful in business.  Perhaps many people envy Jesse’s opportunities to grow-up and be educated in foreign countries, but they also may not have taken into consideration the difficulties of being a child in a totally different culture, and the innate prejudices that Jesse may have encountered.

Jesse remarks, “Of course, I encountered prejudice, but those things are in the past.  I remember when I was in grade school, I was on my way to a friend’s house to practice playing the guitar.  While I was walking, I was surrounded by a group of six boys.  My first reaction was to fight, but the biggest boy kicked me in the face, much to my surprise.  That was the end of my fighting career.  I was still shaking when I arrived at my friend’s home.  I later learned that the safest tactic, if I was accosted by unfriendly boys, was to run to the roadside, so that drivers would see me being bullied, and honk their horns to scare the attackers away.

This little story can be related to business opportunity and development.  It is important to be aware of your surroundings, the people that you are dealing with, and potential opportunities that may come your way.  The fact that Doctor Jesse Chuang was raised overseas, perhaps enhanced his abilities to analyze various situations, and was one of the reasons that he was able to successfully pursue two different careers, and making a successful transition from one profession to another.