人物專訪:Sheila Chuang 鍾愛藝術與音樂的銀行業先驅
Interview with Sheila Chuang, Bank Executive

從第一眼看過去,台北富邦銀行執行副總經理兼高端 客群平台總督導莊慧玫(Sheila Chuang)散發著商界高管人士所具備的自信與風度。但是,隨著採訪逐漸深入,我們發現她不僅才華橫溢,更興趣廣泛。


莊慧玫在台灣文化最為豐富的城市-台南市出生和成 長。她的父母都是老師,父親是小學校長,母親早年是小學老師,她上面還有兩個哥哥、兩個姐姐。從小學時代起,慧玫就是一個善於表達的領袖人物,並多次擔任班長。她從來不是一個害羞的女孩,相反的,從小就 十分外向、喜歡與人互動、時常為同學們組織活動, 並多次在演講比賽中拔得頭籌。實際上,慧玫坦言, 她很喜歡在舞台上表演或演講。她從小也十分熱愛音樂,上小學時,慧玫是學校樂隊指揮。當年,她在台南的家鄉是一個農田圍繞的小村莊,幾乎所有村民都來自同一個莊氏家族,其起源可以追溯到 300年前,他們的祖先跟隨中國福建著名的鄭成功將軍穿越台灣海峽,擊敗當時在台灣的荷蘭駐軍。慧玫記得自己成長時是個自由跑跳的鄉村女孩,這也使她得以發展體育方面的才能,並成為了學校體操隊的一員。另一方面,在父母的影響下,她自小就熱愛藝術、音樂和文學。自台南女中以優秀成績畢業後,她便離開台南到台北,就讀國立台灣大學工商管理學系。

在台大就讀期間,慧玫除了學習商業領域以外,還深受表演藝術(演戲)吸引,甚至一度夢想未來朝這個方向發展。大學畢業後,由於慧玫有家人住在美國紐澤西州,她便決定前往紐澤西州的州立大學¬-羅格斯大學(Rutgers University)攻讀MBA學位。住在紐澤西州的優點之一就是它與紐約市距離十分近,讓慧玫在課餘得以時常流連紐約欣賞各種表演藝術、歌劇和電影。當年(1987-1989年)紐瓦克(Newark)校園附近與紐約市區治安極差、生活環境複雜,藝術成了重要的快樂與療癒來源。 曼哈頓市區格林威治村、蘇活區等地的波希米亞異國藝術文化更深深吸引著慧玫。過去這些經歷對於她目前在台北的生活皆產生了許多深遠的影響。在從事銀行業30餘年的同時,慧玫也在台灣最具代表性的表演藝術團體-果陀劇場擔任運營董事至今超過十年。


在獲得 MBA學位後,慧玫回到台灣開始了她的銀行業生涯。她回台灣加入的第一家銀行是法國百利銀行(Banque Paribas,該銀行後來於2000年與巴黎國民銀行BNP合併,成為法國巴黎銀行BNP Paribas)。慧玫描述,「那是台灣銀行業開始大步起飛的年代。從1990 年至 2000 年的 10 年中,這個行業充滿各種新契機,能夠跟著銀行業務創新成長令我時時充滿興奮。對於一個初出茅廬的銀行家來說,能參與各種市場首創,這種機會實在太難得了。此外,這個工作也帶來不錯的所得,足以支持我對音樂和藝術的熱愛。」
2000年下半年慧玫加入台灣花旗銀行商人銀行處,負責建立新的併購財務顧問與海外可轉換債業務。這 對她是一個挑戰,因為當年商人銀行或是投資銀行業在台灣還在萌芽期。這些經驗的累積奠定了接下來慧玫在投資銀行業超過10年的發展基礎。

2003 年,她與一大批前花旗銀行同事一起跳槽到中國信託銀行,負責該行的投資銀行業務。慧玫回憶 說,這個事件可是台灣銀行業的歷史大事,眾所矚目,令人興奮但處處充滿挑戰,也很辛苦,為了快速建立業務,每天得維持長時間的工作方式。後來證明這一群的銀行家為台灣銀行業開創了新歷史。繼中國信託之後,慧玫受邀加入巴克萊資本開設台灣分行,並擔任其投資銀行業務負責人長達7年。2013年元月到2018年底,她加入台灣渣打銀行擔任企金業務負責人。 2018 年 11月,慧玫應台北富邦銀行的邀請建立新的高端私人銀行業務-“高端客群業務平台”。從那時起,她持續擔任執行副總經理兼高端客群平台總督導,同時負責台北富邦銀行的投資銀行業務。


慧玫提到,台灣的銀行業很有希望成為亞洲地區的另一個樞紐,以台灣市場之有限規模,竟然有超過38家,銀行的密度幾乎全球最高,但所有銀行都能盈利且資本充足,足見台灣銀行業在管理業務和控制風險方面已經相當成熟。但是做為一個小市場並因應政治上的考量,必須管控式的開放,以維持金融市場的穩定性,防止資金的大幅進出。她指出,新加坡相對彈性靈活,香港因國安法造成動盪時,新加坡馬上積極採取行動,從香港接收大量的資金。台灣則採取較為審慎有序的方式,引導海外資金匯回。除了追求利潤之外,台灣的銀行也越來越關注與永續投資(ESG 風險)相關的 問題(環境、社會與公司治理),這對台灣及其下一代至關重要。


在我們深入探討這個問題之前,慧玫提到她在過去的 4 年中一直是台大財金系萌拓學堂mentoring program的師傅之一,她每學年指導 2名學生即將離開校園步入社會的大學生規劃人生,因此她也是給予這類建議再合適不過的人選。她本人仍然活躍在許多校友活動社團中,這些社團為她與昔日同窗提供了同樂、互相關懷和凝聚向心力的機會。她很享受「為他人創造機會」。以下是她對於年輕人的幾項主要建議:
1. 誠實了解自己–你的興趣是什麼?你擅長什麼?哪些學 科讓你有繼續深入學習的熱情?
2. 謙虛學習永遠好奇–正如人們所說,天生的天才很少,但是實際上「天才= 10%的靈感和 90% 的努力」,即便如此,也沒有保證!
3. 掌握機會盡你所能
4. 激發熱情追求夢想
她認為,銀行業有許多吸引人年輕人的地方,例如銀 行業是百年行業,總是需要不斷補充新血以世代傳承,因此會有很多工作機會; 銀行業是一個非常龐大的組織,需各種不同性格和特質的從業者,只要你有才幹並願意努力,每個人都可找到發揮的空間。再者,由於銀行業是受到嚴格監管的環境,因此任何新手都有機會在這個有制度的環境中學習到可貴的專業經驗。最後,目前在銀行業中最重視的人才是(1)勇於挑戰不熟悉的事物並靈活應變出解決方案,以及(2)樂於提供優質的客戶服務。

A Private Banking Pioneer with Diverse Interests in the Arts & Music – Sheila Chuang

Upon first impressions, Sheila Chuang, Managing Director & Chief Exclusive Banking Officer of the Taipei Fubon Bank, exudes the confidence and poise that you would expect from someone in such a responsible position. However, as we proceed into our interview, it becomes obvious that Sheila is quite talented with many diverse interests.

“Please tell us about your early life.”

Sheila was born and raised in Tainan, Taiwan, probably the most cultural city in Taiwan. Her parents were both educators – her father was a primary school principal, and her mother was a primary school teacher. She has two older brothers and two older sisters. From her early days in primary school, Sheila was a leader – quite outspoken, and usually the class leader. She can never remember being a shy girl, always outgoing, personable, organizing activities for schoolmates, and a frequent winner of speech contests. In fact, Sheila admits that she rather enjoys being on-stage performing or making presentations; she loves music. When she was in primary school, Sheila was selected as the Student Director of the School Band. Her home town of Tainan was a small, country town, surrounded by farms in those days. Nearly all of the villagers were from the same Chuang family, with its origins dating back some 300 years, to when their ancestors followed the famous General Koxinga from Fujian, China, who crossed the Taiwan Straits to defeat the Dutch garrisons in Taiwan. Sheila remembers growing-up as a “free” country girl, which allowed her to develop a talent for sports; she was part of the school gymnastics team. However, her parents influenced her by giving her an early appreciation and love for art, music and literature. After graduating from Tainan Girls’ High School at the top of her class, she left Tainan for Taipei to attend the National Taiwan University (NTU), majoring in business administration.
During her time at NTU, besides studying business, Sheila was further drawn to the performing arts, i.e., acting, and even thought that her career might take her in that direction. Since Sheila had family in New Jersey, she decided to study for her MBA at Rutgers University, in New Brunswick, New Jersey. One of the nicest aspects of being in New Jersey was its proximity to New York City, where Sheila could enjoy performing arts, operas and great movies, when she wasn’t busy with her studies. The joy that Sheila derived from the arts, offset the “less-than-ideal environments” near the campus area in Newark and New York in the period from 1987 to 1989. Sheila was particularly attracted to the artistic, Bohemian cultures found in the neighborhoods of Greenwich Village and the SoHo in lower Manhattan. All of these experiences have had a great impact on her current life in Taipei. While she has dedicated more than 30 years of her career to banking, Sheila has also been the Operational Adviser to the Godot Performing Group, Taiwan’s top performing arts group in Taiwan over the last 10 years.
Sheila has two young adult children – a son and a daughter.

“How did you start your career in banking?”

Upon achieving her MBA, Sheila came back to Taiwan to start her career. Paribas, which in 2000 merged with BNP to form BNP Paribas – the leading French bank – offered Sheila her first job in Taiwan. As she relates,
“Various opportunities in Taiwan banking were just taking-off. I was quite excited to participate in the pioneering wave of various new banking practices during the 10-year period from 1990 to 2000. The opportunity to achieve the first deals of their kind in Taiwan was just “too good” to pass up as a fledgling banker. In addition, the financial package offered by banking could support my love for music and the arts.”
It was from her experience with Paribas, that she was able to learn about and begin to appreciate fine wine, and refine her palate, with respect to wine and food pairings, during her many business trips to Paris for the Bank. She left Paribas in 2000 to join Citibank Taiwan just before the merger of BNP Paribas.
The amazing aspect of Sheila’s career is that she never really planned to be a banker, but found that she had certain organizational skill sets and artistic personality, which set her apart from her peers. Her supervisors could see that she was the person that could “get the job” done to a very high standard and loved by her clients! Her career moves have always been “up the corporate ladder”, in a rapid fashion, with few (if any) missteps.
Sheila’s next employment was with Citibank, Taiwan, where she was responsible for creating new merchant banking business in Mergers & Acquisitions and Euro Convertible Bonds. This was a challenge as merchant banking was one of Taiwan’s first ventures into international banking. From these experiences, Sheila’s direction and expertise in the development of “investment banking” was set. She spent 3 years with Citibank.
In 2003, together with a large group of ex-Citi bankers, she moved to the Koo Family owned Chinatrust Bank to develop investment banking franchise. Sheila recalls that this was extremely challenging but exciting work, as with consistent overtime requirements. However, the determination of this group achieved groundbreaking history in the Taiwan Banking industry. Following Chinatrust, Sheila moved to Barclays Capital, when the Barclays launched their Taiwan Branch. She was the head their investment banking for 7 years. In 2012, Sheila went on to lead Standard Chartered Bank Taiwan’s corporate banking business, also for 7 years.
In November 2018, Sheila was invited by Taipei Fubon Bank to build a new private banking business, under the title “Exclusive Banking”. She has been the Managing Director and Executive Exclusive Banking Officer since then. She is also in charge of the investment banking business for Taipei Fubon Bank

“In layman’s terms, what is your outlook of the Taiwan Banking Industry?”

Sheila mentions that Taiwan banking, with respect to international banking, has a bit of a self-imposed conflict, that is tied into a comparatively small but “over-banked” market, together with a delicate and sensitive political environment. Everyone acknowledges that the “heavy hand” of the PRC in Hong Kong has created some opportunities for banks in the East Asia region. Ideally, Taiwan banks would like to be another regional hub for international banking in East Asia, but conversely, Taiwan needs to face political realities, and must open slowly in order to maintain control of the NT dollar and related transactions, while not being overwhelmed with incoming Mainland Chinese funds. She states that Singapore has been the fastest to react to the instability of Hong Kong, and attract International funds, that would have otherwise been invested in Hong Kong. Additionally, the PRC is no longer the inexpensive destination for industrial investments that it once was in the ‘90s and early 2000s. To Taiwan’s credit, with nearly the highest density of banking per population, all 38 Taiwan banks are profitable and capital adequate, which is a testament to the fact that Taiwan banks are mature enough in managing their business and controlling risks. The PRC and the COVID-19 pandemic haven’t really had an adverse impact on Taiwan banking so far. In addition to pursuing profits, banks in Taiwan are also increasingly focused on ESG Risk-related issues (Environmental, Social & Governance risks), which is very positive for Taiwan and its next generations.

“What is your advice to Young People who may be considering Banking as their career path?”

Before we delve into that question, Sheila advises that she has been part of a Student Mentoring Program at NTU for the last 4 years, where she mentors 2 students for a semester, so she is the appropriate person to ask. She herself is still active in many alumni activity clubs, which provides opportunities for recreation, self, development and camaraderie amongst her old schoolmates. She enjoys “creating opportunities for others.” The following are the key ideas that she wishes to advise young people:
1. Understand yourself – What are your interests? What do you excel at? What subjects give you the passion for learning more?
2. Get a good education and study diligently – As they say, there are few natural-born geniuses, but in actuality “Genius = 10% of Good Ideas and 90% of Hard Work and Effort” – and even then, there is no guarantee!
3. Recognize and make the best use of Opportunities presented to you.
4. Passion makes thing happen!
She feels that there are many attractive aspects of Banking that a young person should consider. There will always be a need for bankers, so there are many jobs available. There are bankers of every personality and character type; the banks are such large organizations, that there is room for everyone, as long as you have some talent and are willing to work hard. Since banks are highly regulated environments, any novice in the banking business will have opportunities to learn things that will be useful and employed immediately, as this is a “hands-on” environment. Finally, of the greatest important in the banking industry are (1) the flexibility and a willingness to attempt things that you may initially be unfamiliar with, and (2) a sincere desire to provide good customer service – after all banking is a service industry.

Our interview has flown by quickly, but we are so pleased to have an opportunity to chat with Ms. Sheila Chuang, truly a leader in Taiwan banking!

Interview with Dennis Nieh, Media Personality



聶雲(Dennis)出生於台北,有著相當“一般”的背景,使他的娛樂事業前途變得渺茫。 他的母親是老師,父親是輪船長,負責貨船/客船。 他們都來自中國大陸,分別來自成都,四川和山東。 丹尼斯記得他的家人總是養有外來寵物,例如金剛鸚鵡,他的父親會從國外旅行中帶回來。 丹尼斯在70年代和80年代仍然存在的古老軍事社區中度過了快樂的童年。 丹尼斯8歲時,他的家人移居到美國,特別是聖何塞,在那裡讀高中,然後在聖何塞州立大學和加利福尼亞理工學院(Cal Poly)攻讀商業。

聶雲(Dennis)說,他從小就具有績效導向的才能。 在初中時,他熱愛唱歌,實際上贏得了歌唱比賽的冠軍,並獲得了獎金。 他演唱中英文流行歌曲。 在高中時,他被選為在學校活動和體育賽事開始之前會唱國歌的學生。 他涉獵吉他和小提琴。

聶雲(Dennis)於1996年返回台灣,在中國電台短暫演出後,在ICRT(台灣國際社區電台)開始了5年的工作,在那裡他成為有史以來最年輕的音樂總監。 在ICRT逗留後,他因主持許多廣播和電視節目(主要是綜藝節目)而在台灣廣為人知。 2002年,他主持了CTI娛樂慈善電視彩票節目,英語為“祝你好運”,而聶雲有時也被稱為“樂透先生”。 他還曾在2011年Lady Gaga來台灣演出時主持過Lady Gaga的訪談。他還參與了《國家地理》節目的製作。 他仍然熱愛唱歌,並與享譽國際的導演李安(Ang Lee)一起參與音樂劇《吃,喝,男人,女人》的本地製作。 聶雲還是一位企業家,領導一家生產公司,乾麵條食品業務,並剛開始涉足一家進口朗姆酒企業。

聶雲(Dennis)是一個成家的人,他的妻子朱迪(Judy)和2個兒子和一個女兒。 他喜歡與家人共度時光,他們喜歡戶外活動。 他們最喜歡的活動之一是水肺潛水,他們已經在台灣(例如,綠島)潛水。

雖然許多年輕人認為在這個時代很難做到娛樂化,但聶雲卻不這麼認為。 隨著互聯網和社交媒體的擴展,有抱負的表演者無需像在過去那樣向唱片製作人證明自己,就可以將自己的才華直接展現在目標受眾面前,從而 他們的認可和支持。 他說,渠道現在“無限”,因此“無論多多,您都必須繼續努力!”


A Popular Presence & a Successful Entrepreneur in Taiwan Entertainment Media – Dennis Nieh

As I sit down for my interview with popular Taiwanese TV and Radio show host, Dennis Nieh (聶雲), he is looking calm, collected and friendly, as you would expect of a public personality. Dennis was born in Taipei, and had a fairly “normal” background which belied his future in entertainment. His mother was a teacher, and his father was a ship captain, commanding cargo/ passenger ships. They were both from Mainland China – from Chengdu, Szechuan, and Shandung, respectively. Dennis remembers that his family always had exotic pets – like macaws – which his father would bring back from his trips overseas. Dennis had a happy childhood in one of the old military communities that were still in existence into the ‘70s and ‘80s. When Dennis was 8 years old, his family migrated to the United States, San Jose specifically, where he attended high school and then university at San Jose State and California Polytechnic Institute (Cal Poly), where he majored in business.

Dennis relates that at an early age, he had a performance-oriented talent. In junior high school, he loved singing and was actually winning singing contests, and being awarded prize money. He sings both English and Chinese popular songs. In high school, he was selected as the student who would sing the national anthem before school activities and athletic events began. He dabbled in guitar and violin.

Dennis returned to Taiwan in 1996, and after a brief gig on Chinese radio, began a 5-year position at ICRT (International Community Radio Taiwan), where he became their youngest Musical Director, ever. After his stay with ICRT, he became well-known in Taiwan for hosting many radio and TV shows, primarily variety shows. In 2002, he hosted the CTI Entertainment Charity TV Lottery Show, in English “Good Luck Coming”, and Dennis was sometimes referred to as “Mr. Lotto”. He also hosted Lady Gaga’s interview when she came to Taiwan to perform in 2011. He has also been involved with production of shows for National Geographic. He still loves singing, and was involved with the internationally-acclaimed director Ang Lee, on a local production of the musical “Eat, Drink, Man, Woman”. Dennis is also quite an entrepreneur and heads a production company, a dry noodle food business, and has just become involved with an imported rum venture.
Dennis is a family man with his wife, Judy, and 2 sons and a daughter. He loves to spend time with his family and they love the outdoors. One of their favorite activities is scuba diving, and they have gone diving around Taiwan (e.g. Green Island).

While many young people think that it is difficult to make it in entertainment in this era, Dennis thinks otherwise. With the expansion of the Internet, and social media, instead of having to prove yourself to, for example, a record producer, as in the “old days”, an aspiring performer can take his talent directly in front of his target audience, for their approval and support. And he says the channels are now “unlimited”, so “You just have to keep working on your craft – whatever that many be!”
Dennis has become a modern example of how to make it in the entertainment field today – and he does it with grace, humility, and good humor!

Interview with Dr. David Hang, Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgeon




大衛 (David) 出生於台灣,家族五代都是醫師和牧師。大衛提到,雖然他的家族主要由醫師組成,但他的家族也與長老教會的傳教士保持著緊密的關係。
因此,在每一代人中,也有幾位家庭成員成為牧師。大衛有兩個弟弟,他們是美國的牙醫。 1974年,David的父親韓毅雄教授 (國立台灣大學醫院的骨科主任) 是第一個接受美國俄亥俄州克利夫蘭市凱斯西儲大學 (Case Western Reserve University) 骨科生物力學專科訓練的亞洲骨科醫生。而凱斯西儲大學是人工關節領域最先進的骨科機構之一。大衛也與家人一起搬到了俄亥俄州的克利夫蘭,然後又搬到了華盛頓與西雅圖。他的父親在華盛頓大學接受運動醫學專科訓練後,於1976年返回台北。

David在台北的多米尼加學校 (Dominican School) 讀初中,然後回到美國,在西雅圖完成了高中。他於華盛頓大學醫學院畢業後,在伊利諾伊州芝加哥的Rush 長老會聖盧克醫學中心 (Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center) 接受骨科住院醫師實習訓練。Rush學醫中心也是美國關節置換手術領域的頂級醫院之一。在芝加哥接受培訓之後,他前往加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) 繼續接受運動醫學和關節鏡手術次專科訓練,除了成為關節鏡手術的專家,也是在台唯一擔任過洛杉磯大學的運動員隨隊醫師。並在洛杉磯建立了成功的骨科醫療診所。



David回到台灣有兩個原因。首先,應新光醫院老闆吳東進先生的邀請,大衛被問到是否可以返回台北與新光醫院合作,在台北建立世界一流的“骨科運動醫學中心”。大衛說,這對他來說是一個巨大的挑戰,因為他已經在美國建立了非常成功的骨科診所。而回台後,除了他的工作時間急劇增加,並且考了兩次後才通過了台灣醫師執照 (因為他不得不重新學習所有相關的中文醫學術語)。這表明他在實現目標方面的奉獻精神和毅力。第二個原因會使任何中國家庭感到自豪,他覺得自己是家庭中的大兒子,他想回國照顧年邁的父母,這是執行中華文化孝道表現。


高壓氧療法和水療中心 (游泳池)。骨科運動醫學中心,專注於骨折治療、關節炎治療、關節鏡手術、再生醫學、運動傷害和人工關節置換手術。David說,他治療患者的關鍵 (基於骨科運動醫學原理) 是通過科學驗證的骨科療法、復健和日常康復運動來加快康復時間。並採用最先進,侵入性最小的療治 (例如關節鏡手術) 以減少疼痛並促進受損部位的完全康復,以便運動員或病患可以恢復到接近100% 的復原 (甚至可以比受傷前的狀態還好!)。David強調 1) 正確的診斷、2) 有效的治療和復健及3) 復原後的體能調整 (重新訓練韌帶,肌腱,肌肉和神經) 的重要性,因此患者可以在患處重新達到最大的力量,敏捷性和柔韌性。

David獲得最大的成就感時是當運動員或患者受傷時,且這種受傷被診斷為“無希望”的類別,他能夠提供有效且完整的治療方案 (也可能包括手術),使這個人擺脫抑鬱症,並使他或她走上完全康復之路。

David是Orthokine (Regenokine) 療法的資深顧問 (也是發明此療法德國醫師Peter Wehling教授的合夥人,他就是小飛俠Kobe Bryant的醫生),而新光骨科運動醫學中心也是亞洲唯一提供Regenokine療法的中心。Regenokine是一種革命性的療法,利用人體自己的免疫蛋白來阻止軟骨和神經壞死以及韌帶,肌肉和肌腱組織的再生。這種療法不僅幫助了 Kobe和教宗保羅二世這樣的患者,而且幫助了亞洲無數的患者。
此外,David 還幫助成立了台灣防護員協會及其執照審查制度。他也一直參與中華奧會運動禁藥防制委員會工作。


David 認為,日本在亞洲骨科運動醫學領域可能是最先進的。緊隨其後的是中國 (該國還將中醫納入其療法中)、台灣及韓國。這些國家代表了亞洲運動醫學領域中最好的國家。




David的建議是,您必須要熱愛運動,還必須熱愛生物學,然後對人體特別感興趣並努力學習; 諸如肌肉、韌帶、肌腱、骨骼結構及手術等主題是最相關和重要的。成為一名醫生並不容易,但這是一項有意義的職業,在這個職業中,您會認識並幫助許多的人。
到此,我們結束了對 David的採訪。韓偉教授是一個風度翩翩令人欽佩、且相當有趣的人。更重要的是他在這特殊的醫學領域中擁有最先進且淵博的知識。

A Trailblazer in the Development of Taiwan Sports Medicine – Dr. David Hang

Anyone who is seriously involved with sports in Taiwan, no doubt, has at one time or another required the care and attention of the Shin Kong Orthopedic Sports Medicine Institute, located near both the Shin Kong Hospital and the Shilin Night Market. I am sitting with Dr. David Hang, the Founder and Director of the Orthopedic Sports Medicine Institute, to find out about his life and how he became a pioneer in the fields of orthopedic surgery and sports medicine in Taiwan. We begin immediately into an interesting interview of Dr. Hang.

“Please describe your childhood and adolescent years. And how did you decide to become a doctor?”

David was born in Taiwan, into a family of five generations of physicians and pastors. David mentions that while his family was comprised primarily of physicians, his family was also closely aligned with missionaries of the Presbyterian Church, therefore in each generation, a few family members are also expected to become pastors. David has two younger brothers who are dentists in the United States.
In 1974, David’s father, Dr. Yi-Shiong Hang (who was the Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at the National Taiwan University Hospital), was the first Asian orthopedic surgeon accepted to attend the Orthopedic Biomechanics Fellowship at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Case Western Reserve University is one of the most highly regarded learning institutions in the field of joint replacement. David moved with his family, first to Cleveland, Ohio, and then to Seattle, Washington; his father also trained at the University of Washington, before returning to Taipei in 1976. David attended middle school at Dominican School in Taipei, then returned to the States to complete high school in Seattle. He then attended the University of Washington Medical School and then did his orthopedic residency at the Rush Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, which is one of the foremost hospitals in the United States in the field of joint replacement and sports medicine. After his training in Chicago, he went to UCLA for his Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery Fellowship. He became one of the leading experts in arthroscopic surgery and was the only American orthopedic surgeon in Taiwan, who had been a team physician for UCLA.
In his youth, David thought that if he wasn’t going to become a doctor, he had ideas about becoming an astronaut, since it appeared to be fun and exciting, or being a diplomat, working in an embassy on behalf of your country, and having an opportunity to interact with people from other countries. Lucky for us, that David chose to follow in his family’s medical tradition!

“Why did you decide to return to Taiwan?”

David returned to Taiwan for two reasons. First, at the invitation of Mr. Eugene Wu, owner of Shin Kong Hospital. David was asked if he would return to Taipei and work with the Hospital to start a world-class “orthopedic sports medicine center” in Taipei. David said that it was a great challenge for him when he returned to Taiwan since he had already established his orthopedic surgery practice in the States. In fact, his working hours increased dramatically, and it took him more than once to pass his Taiwan Medical License since he had to re-learn all of the related English medical terminologies in Chinese. This demonstrates his dedication and perseverance in achieving his goals. The second reason would make any Chinese family proud, i.e., that he felt that as the oldest son in his immediate family, he wanted to return home to take care of his aging parents – a laudable demonstration of filial piety, which Chinese culture admires.

“What have been your major accomplishments with respect to the Shin Kong Orthopedic Sports Medicine Institute and other Sports Medicine in Taiwan?”

David’s goal in establishing the Shin Kong Orthopedic Sports Medicine Institute (SKOSMI) was to create an orthopedic sports medicine center which could provide care equal to or better than the standards of UCLA’s sports medicine center. Currently, his institute is staffed by orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists and athletic trainers, in a fully-equipped facility, including a gym, physical therapy rooms, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and a hydrotherapy center (with swimming pool). In his Center, particular care is provided for fracture care, anti-arthritic therapy, arthroscopic surgery, sports injury therapy, regenerative medicine, and joint replacement. David stated that the key to his patient care (based on the principals of sports medicine) are to provide orthoscopic surgery to minimize pain and invasive procedures to the body, while accelerating recovery time through evidence-based rehabilitation, and retraining the damaged or affected areas, so that the athlete or patient can get back to close to 100% (or potentially even better than their pre-injury state). David stresses the importance of proper therapy (i.e., retraining the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves), so the patient can regain maximum strength, agility, and flexibility in the affected area of the body.
David receives a sense of accomplishment when an athlete or patient comes to him with an injury, which has been diagnosed as being in the “no hope” category, and then being able to establish a comprehensive treatment plan or regimen (which may or may not include surgery) to set him or her on the road to full recovery and lift this person out of depression.

David is also the senior consultant and partner of the inventor, Professor Peter Wehling (Kobe Bryant’s physician from Germany) for Orthokine / Regenokine Therapy, which is administered through this Center (the only center in Asia offering Regenokine treatment). Regenokine is the revolutionary therapy utilizing your body’s own immuno-protein to stop cartilage and nerve destruction (thus stop osteoarthritis and nerve damage) as well as regeneration of ligament, muscle, and tendon tissue. Not only has this therapy helped patients such as Kobe and Pope John Paul II, but countless patients all over Asia.

Additionally, David helped to create the Taiwan Athletic Trainers’ Association and its licensing protocol. He is also the chairman for the Olympic anti-doping committee in Taiwan and has been involved with anti-doping efforts for sports since his return to Taiwan 20 years ago.

“What is the level of orthopedic sports medicine in Taiwan as compared to other countries in Asia?”

In David’s opinion, Japan is probably the most advanced and sophisticated in the field of orthopedic sports medicine in Asia. Following closely is China, which also integrates some traditional Chinese medicine practices into their therapies, Taiwan, and South Korea. But Taiwan has continued to make improvements. These countries represent the best in the field of Sports Medicine in Asia.

“What are your personal likes and interests in your off-hours, away from the office?”

In David’s universe, his lovely wife and two daughters come first – he enjoys his family time. They are all accomplished equestrians; David says that three in his family is enough! He also enjoys socializing with his many good friends, along with “subtle” fine dining and wine. He loves traveling and hopes to get back on the road once the pandemic subsides. Fortunately, he enjoys meeting people and public speaking, which is good since he makes many speeches and presentations in his line of work.

“Is there any advice that you would like to impart to young people and may have an interest in the field of Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery?”

David’s advice is that you must love sports foremost, then you must also love biology, with a particular interest in the human body and studying diligently in topics like surgery, muscles, ligaments, tendons, bone structure, which are all very relevant and important. David stated that, “Being a doctor is not easy, but it is a rewarding career, in which you meet and help a lot of people!”
With that, we end our interview with Dr. David Hang, a completely knowledgeable, personable, and admirable person, in quite an interesting and important field of medicine.