克萊恩 慕爾懷特粉紅酒
Cline Mourvèdre Rose
NT$ 1350
About this wine
About this wine
康特拉科斯塔縣深厚的沙土中種植的三個葡萄園為這款慕合懷特桃紅葡萄酒提供了葡萄。這些葡萄園受益於聖華金河和薩克拉門托河的夜間涼爽效應,使葡萄保持明亮的酸性特徵。它們是專門為用傳統法式風格的慕合懷特葡萄釀造美味的桃紅葡萄酒而種植的。葡萄經過手工採摘並帶到釀酒廠立即壓榨,以期只產生最明亮淺淡的顏色,但保留所有新鮮水果的味道。將果汁放置 48 小時,然後在架上進行接種並在約 55°F 的溫度下進行冷發酵。發酵完成後,將其放在架子上,然後在次年春季之前進行混合和新鮮裝瓶。
Three vineyards planted in the deep, sand-soil of Contra Costa County provide the grapes for this Mourvèdre Rosé. These vineyards benefit from the evening cooling effects of the San Joaquin & Sacramento Rivers, which allow the grapes to hold a bright acidic character. They are farmed specifically for making delicious Rosé in the traditional French style Mourvèdre grapes. The grapes are handpicked & brought to the winery where they are immediately pressed to impart only the lightest color, & yet retain all the fresh fruit flavors. The juice is settled for 48 hours before being racked & inoculated for cool fermentation at about 55°F. Once fermentation is complete, it is racked before being blended & bottled fresh before spring of the following year.
- 年 份:2022
- 酒 廠:Cline Family Cellars
- 產 區:North Central Coast, CA
- 葡萄品種:Mourvèdre 100%
- 顏 色:淺鮭魚色
- 酒精濃度:12%
- 酒 質:顏色:淺鮭魚色;香氣:草莓和奶油、西瓜、玫瑰水、玫瑰花瓣;身體:輕;酸度:平衡且多汁;口味:西瓜、草莓、柳橙和檸檬;餘韻:奶油般柔滑且悠長
- 試飲溫度:10°C~12°C
- 佐餐食物:優異的夏季單獨飲品;適合搭配貝類、生魚片、家禽、山羊起司和素食菜餚
- Tasting Notes: Color: Pale salmon; Aromas: Strawberries and cream, watermelon rosewater, rose petal; Body: Light; Acid: Balanced & juicy; Flavors: Watermelon, strawberry, tangy orange & lemon; Finish: Creamy and long.
- Pairings: Excellent Summer refreshment alone; Goes well shellfish, sashimi, poultry, goat cheeses, & vegetarian dishes
- Wine Spectator – 90 points