黑色車站 卡本內蘇維翁紅酒
Black’s Station Yolo County Cabernet Sauvignon
NT$ 1000
About this wine
About this wine
這款赤霞珠是由火柴盒酒莊約洛縣葡萄園種植的葡萄釀製而成。薩莫拉鎮與納帕谷被海岸山脈隔開,座落在加州北部連綿起伏的鄧尼根山 (Dunnigan Hills) 中。 19世紀,薩莫拉曾被稱為布萊克站。這是一個富裕的農業地區,流入加州中央山谷。約洛縣生產的各種農作物是薩克拉門托「從農場到餐桌」運動的一部分。
This Cabernet Sauvignon is made from grapes grown in Matchbook Winery’s Yolo County vineyards. Separated from Napa Valley by the Coast Range Mountains, the town of Zamora is tucked away in northern California’s rolling Dunnigan Hills. In the 19th Century, Zamora used to be named Black’s Station. This is a rich agricultural regions that flow into California’s Central Valley. The wide range of crops produced in Yolo County are part of the Sacramento “Farm to Fork” movement.
資 訊
- 年 份:2022
- 酒 廠:Matchbook
- 產 區:加州Yolo County
- 葡萄品種:Cabernet Sauvignon 76%、Petit Verdot 18%、Tempranillo 6%
- 酒精濃度:13.9%
- 品酒筆記:顏色:深紅紫色;香氣:皮革、新鮮雪茄盒和黑櫻桃;味道:黑莓、黑櫻桃和石榴帶來淡淡的水果甜味——與柔軟、耐嚼的單寧形成良好的對比,帶來悠長多汁的餘味。
- 試飲溫度:10°C~12°C
- 佐餐食物:這款赤霞珠葡萄酒非常適合肉類愛好者的披薩、多汁的大漢堡、烤三尖牛排或玉米餅
- Tasting Notes: Color: Color: Deep reddish-purple; Aroma: Leather, fresh cigar box & black cherry; Taste: Blackberry, black cherry, and pomegranate that lend a touch of fruit sweetness – a nice counterpoint to the soft, chewy tannins that carry through to a long, juicy finish.
- Pairings:This Cabernet is perfect with a meat lover’s pizza, a big, juicy burger, barbecued tri-tip steak, or tacos.
獎 項
- California State Fair – Gold & Best of Class