Rutherford Hill 卡本內蘇維濃紅酒
Rutherford Hill Cabernet Sauvignon
NT$ 3300
About this wine
About this wine
盧瑟福山赤霞珠 是納帕谷地區 赤霞珠 其大膽個性和肆無忌憚的風味特徵之傑出典範。這款成熟、圓滑、優雅的葡萄酒經過精心釀製,然後在北美最廣泛的天然洞穴中 統一由法國的 橡木桶中進行適當的洞穴陳釀,在整個陳釀過程中提供了 最理想的溫度和濕度。這款赤霞珠在盧瑟福山洞穴 的法國橡木桶中陳釀 18 個月。
Rutherford Hill Cabernet Sauvignon is an outstanding example of the bold personality and unbridled flavor characteristics of a Napa Valley Cabernet. This ripe, sleek, elegant wine is carefully crafted then properly cave aged in French oak within one of the most extensive natural cave systems in North America, providing the ideal temperature and humidity throughout the aging process. This Cabernet Sauvignon is aged for 18 months in French Oak barrels, in the Rutherford Hill cave network.
資 訊
- 年 份:2016
- 酒 廠:Terlato Wines
- 產 區:加州Napa Valley
- 葡萄品種:Cabernet Sauvignon 77%, Cabernet Franc 15%, Petit Verdot 8%
- 顏 色:深紅色
- 酒精濃度:14.5%
- 酒 質:香氣:複雜的香氣,深色水果(黑醋栗、黑莓和藍莓)的香氣,夾雜著黑醋栗的香氣,並帶有淡淡的香草、茴香和香料; 味道:複雜而濃郁的黑櫻桃和石榴風味,帶有絲線烤香料。酒體飽滿圓潤,質地豐富,單寧豐富。Color: Crimson; Aroma: Complex aromatic profile, aromas of dark fruit (black currant, blackberries, & blueberries) layered with notes of cassis with hints of savory herbs, anise, & spice: Taste: Intricate & intense flavors of dark cherry & pomegranate, with a thread of baked spices. Full bodied and round with a lush texture & rich tannins.
- 試飲溫度:10°C~12°C
- 佐餐食物:與烤肉和魚完美搭配——牛排、羊排、鹿肉、上等肋骨和胡椒結痂金槍魚。Pairs well with grilled meats and fish – beef steaks, lamb chops, venison, prime rib, and pepper-crusted tuna
獎 項
- 2011國際葡萄酒暨烈酒大賽《 IWSC 2011》-銅牌(2010年)