莫斯貝 夏多內白葡萄酒
Mossback Chardonnay
NT$ 1100
About this wine
About this wine
“Mossback”這個詞對於農民來說是形容“古老”的意涵,代表他們的根源與土地的關聯,我們描繪了北加州涼爽的沿海地區如此盛行的苔蘚石、樹乾和尾柱的圖像,這些地區是世界上一些最著名的葡萄種植者的家園, 這些葡萄酒是對那些比任何人都更了解葡萄,氣候和土壤之間微妙關係。
The term “Mossback” is an old-time expression for farmers, folks who are both connected to their roots and to the land. Our label conjures images of the mossy stones, trees trunks and end posts so prevalent in Northern California’s cool coastal regions, home to some of the most renowned grape growers in the world. These wines are a nod to those men and women, who understand more than anyone the delicate relationship between vine, climate and soil.
資 訊
- 年 份: 2016
- 酒 廠:Matchbook
- 產 區:Chalk Hills
- 葡萄品種:100%Chardonnay
- 品酒筆記:梨和甜瓜的香氣過渡到清脆活潑的蜜瓜味和蘋果口感略帶一絲奶油味
- 酒精濃度: 14.2%
- 佐餐食物:適合搭配烤雞肉,意大利面原汁原味或雙濃起司.
- Tasting Notes: Aromas of pear and melon transition to crisp and lively flavors of honeydew melon and apple on the palate with just a hint of creaminess
- Pairings: Grilled chicken, pasta primavera or a decadent double crème cheese.
獎 項
- “Tastings.com” – 88 Pts.
- 2018 California State Fair – 91 Points & Silver
- Wine & Spirits Magazine – 90Points & Best Buy