西班牙Señorio de Peñalba葡萄酒
Señorio de Peñalba – Mencia
NT$ 950
About this wine
About this wine
Arganza生產優質葡萄酒已有200多年的歷史了。 精心挑選Mencia葡萄,然後在最佳成熟時間收穫。 Mencia葡萄酒在美國橡木桶中在受控溫度下發酵12個月。 然後再過24個月瓶內陳年,以在瓶中沒有氧氣的情況下提煉和豐富其在環境中的香氣。 Mencia是一款中等濃郁的葡萄酒,是西班牙和葡萄牙獨有的葡萄酒,在當地也是很受歡迎。
Arganza has been producing quality wines for more than 200 years. The Mencia grapes are carefully selected and then harvested at the optimal time of maturation. The Mencia wine is fermented at controlled temperatures for 12 months in American oak barrels. Then another 24 months is for refining and enriching its aromas in the environment, without oxygen in the bottle. Mencia is a medium-bodied wine that is exclusive to Spain and Portugal, and highly drinkable.
資 訊
- 年 份:2017
- 酒 廠:Palacio de Arganza
- 產 區:VdLT Castilla y Leon, Spain
- 葡萄品種:Mencia 100%
- 顏 色:深紅寶石色
- 酒精濃度:13%
- 酒 質:香氣帶有紅色水果-李子,草莓,辛辣香料-甘草,橡木-煙,香草,礦物質-土,焦油; 口感不甜,中等酸度,單寧中等,飽滿,風味帶有餅乾,咖啡,乾草,煙草; 尾韻留長
- 試飲溫度:10°C~12°C
- 佐餐食物:中式香酥鴨煎餅,意大利麵條和肉丸,烤麵條(如烤寬麵條),中硬奶酪,雞肉,豬肉砂鍋菜。
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