Tannin Basics

單寧是植物,種子,樹皮,木材,葉子和果皮中發現的天然存在的多酚。 大約50%的植物葉片比重是單寧。 作為葡萄酒的一個特點單寧增加了苦味和澀味以及復雜性。 葡萄酒單寧最常見於紅葡萄酒,白葡萄酒的單寧從橡木桶陳釀而來。

單寧味道乾燥和澀味,你可以感覺到它特別是在你的舌頭和你的嘴前部。 不加糖的紅茶溶解在水中幾乎是純鞣酸的一個很好的例子。


葡萄單寧來自酒葡萄的皮,種子和莖。 因此,紅葡萄酒的單寧往往比白葡萄酒高,因為葡萄皮與果汁的延長接觸使單寧酸有時間溶解在葡萄酒中。
某些葡萄酒的單寧比其他葡萄酒高。 意大利Barolo使用的Nebbiolo葡萄是高單寧葡萄品種。

木單寧通過接觸溶入酒中。 當葡萄酒存放在木桶中時,這種情況最為常見。 橡木桶是最受歡迎的選擇,因為它們添加到酒中的香味如香草醛。
單寧粉,橡木片和橡木板越來越受歡迎,因為它們更實惠。 很難說哪個更好,因為橡木桶可以用於葡萄酒釀造長達70年。

一般來說,優質葡萄酒是有意創造出 “圓潤” 的單寧。

  1. 高丹寧葡萄酒:
  2. 低單寧葡萄酒:

實際上有一項關於葡萄酒和茶單寧和體內氧化作用的研究,在測試中,葡萄酒單寧抗氧化,而茶單寧沒有。換句話說,這對你來說可能超好。 你可以在這裡閱讀摘要
關於偏頭痛? 研究團隊仍然沒有研究出單寧和偏頭痛之間的關係。為了去除飲食中的單寧,你需要停止食用巧克力,堅果,蘋果汁,茶,石榴,當然還有葡萄酒。

What are Tannins in Wine?
In wine, tannin is a textural element that makes wine taste dry.
Tannin is a naturally occurring polyphenol found in plants, seeds, bark, wood, leaves, and fruit skins. About 50% of the dry weight of plant leaves are tannins. As a characteristic of wine, tannin adds both bitterness and astringency, as well as complexity. Wine tannins are most commonly found in red wine, although white wines have tannin from being aged in wooden barrels.

What Does Tannin Taste Like?
Tannin tastes dry and astringent and you can feel it specifically on the middle of your tongue and the front part of your mouth. Unsweetened black tea is a great example of nearly pure tannin dissolved in water.
High-Tannin Foods
• Tea Leaves
• Walnuts, Almonds, and Other Nuts with Skins
• Dark Chocolate
• Cinnamon, Clove and Other Spices
• Pomegranates, Grapes, and Açaí Berries
• Quince
• Red Beans

Where do Wine Tannins Come From?
Tannins in wine come from two possible places: wine grapes and wood.

Anatomy of a Wine Grape
What are Grape Tannins?
Grape tannin comes from the skins, seeds, and stems of a wine grape. For this reason, red wines tend to have higher tannins than white wines because the extended contact of the grapes skins with the juice give the tannins time to dissolve in the alcohol and water in the wine.

Some types of wine have higher tannins than others. The Nebbiolo grape used in Italian Barolo, is a high grape tannin wine.

What are Wood Tannins?
Wood tannins dissolve into wine through contact. Most commonly this happens when wine is stored in wooden barrels. Oak barrels are the most popular choice because of the flavors they add to wine such as vanillin.

Tannin powders, oak chips and oak staves are growing in popularity because they are more affordable. It is hard to say which is better, since an oak barrel can be used in winemaking for up to 70 years.
Which Wines are High vs Low in Tannin?
We picked out a few examples to help illustrate wine tannins. It’s helpful to remember that winemaking style greatly affects how much tannin is in a wine. In general, high production wines are deliberately created to have “rounder” feeling tannins.
High Tannin Wines
• Nebbiolo
• Cabernet Sauvignon
• Tempranillo
• Montepulciano
• Petit Verdot
• Petite Sirah
Low Tannin Wines
• Barbera
• Zinfandel
• Pinot Noir
• Primitivo
• Grenache
• Merlot

Are Wine Tannins Good or Bad?
Tannins + Health = Good There is actually a study on the effects of wine and tea tannin and oxidation in the body. In the tests, wine tannin resists oxidation whereas tea tannin did not. In other words, it may be super good for you. You can read the synopsis here.

What About Migraines?

The jury is still out on the connection between tannin and migraines. In order to remove tannins from your diet, you’ll need to stop consuming chocolate, nuts, apple juice, tea, pomegranate and, of course, wine.