克萊恩 索諾瑪海岸馬珊/胡珊混釀白葡萄酒
Cline Sonoma Coast Marsanne/ Rousanne
NT$ 1200
About this wine
About this wine
Marsanne and Roussanne, originally from the Northern Rhone Valley, are regularly blended together. There are less than 600 combined acres of these grapes in California making them a rarity. The wine was not exposed to oak aging allowing it to remain fresh and lively. There are a scant 6 acres of our Sonoma Coast Estate Marsanne that contribute to this blend. The grapes are handpicked and conveyed to our de-stemmer without crushing. This gentle process ensures a smooth blend. Grapes are then pumped directly to our tank press, which gently squeezed the juice free of the skins and seeds. From there the juice is pumped to a settling tank where it is chilled to preserve the bright flavors. After settling, the juice is racked in another stainless steel tank for fermentation. Once fermentation is complete, the wine is cold stabilized, filtered and bottled.
- 年 份:2018
- 酒 廠:Cline Family Cellars
- 產 區:Sonoma, CA
- 葡萄品種:Marsanne 78%, Rousanne 22%
- 顏 色:透亮的金黃色
- 酒精濃度:13.5%
- 試飲溫度:10°C~12°C
- 品酒筆記:具有蜂蜜,橙子,菠蘿和礦物質的特性。混合物還具有明亮的柑橘香氣,清脆的酸度和淡淡的花香。
- 佐餐食物:此款酒體適中,口味豐富,適合搭配辛辣菜餚,如咖哩雞或辣炒蝦
- 紅酒評分:Wine Enthusiast Best Buy – 88 Points