黑色車站 悠若夏多內白葡萄酒
Black’s Station Yolo County Chardonnay
NT$ 950
About this wine
About this wine
薩莫拉小鎮位於納帕東邊,加州北部的鄧尼根丘陵地區(Dunnigan Hills),在1800年代,這裡的人們稱之為黑色火車站,在這丘陵高度上,由J.J.創立的中心,黑色旅館、兩家商店、監獄、鐵匠鋪和市政廳,現今在離薩莫拉三英里的地方種植的葡萄, 充滿“古老城鎮性格”和“邊疆風格”的特色.
Due east of Napa, tucked away in northern California’s rolling Dunnigan Hills, is a little town called Zamora. But back in the late 1800’s, folks around here used to call it Black’s Station. At its height, this hub founded by J.J. Black boasted a hotel, two stores, a jail, blacksmith shops and a town hall. Today we grow our grapes just three miles from Zamora. We like to think that they carry with them the character and frontier-style of that old town.
資 訊
- 年 份:2017
- 酒 廠:Matchbook
- 產 區:Yolo County
- 葡萄品種:Chardonnay 100%
- 酒精濃度:13.9%
- 品酒筆記:玻璃杯中呈現鮮豔的稻草色澤,梨、桃、甜瓜的香氣。 2016黑色火車站夏多內葡萄,口感上展現活潑的熱帶水果口味,並帶有烤橡木質香調和香草香氣。
- 試飲溫度:10°C~12°C
- 佐餐食物:非常適合作為開胃酒,搭配雞肉Alfredo扁麵條、花園新鮮意大利麵包。
- Tasting Notes:A brilliant straw color in the glass with aromas of pear, peach and melon. The 2016 Black’s Station Chardonnay showcases lively tropical fruit flavors on the palate complemented by toasty oak notes and a hint of vanilla on the finish.
- Pairings: Enjoy the 2016 Chardonnay on its own as an aperitif or paired with chicken alfredo over linguine or garden-fresh Italian bruschetta.
獎 項
- 2015 葡萄酒愛好者- 88分及最佳購買
- 2018 舊金山紀事報葡萄酒比賽 – 金牌
- 2015 Wine Enthusiast – 88 Points and Best Buy
- 2018 San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition – GOLD